Short biographyBoruch Lev was born behind the “iron wall”, in the Soviet Union, in a suburb of Moscow. He remembers himself playing with modeling clay at the age of four. However after a high school Boruch enrolled into Civil Engineering University and became a structural engineer. Structural design was his main business in Russia and his first years in US.
In the United States, Boruch live in Chicago. Boruch switched from structural design to fulltime work in sculpture working on his own projects, commissions, providing private classes, running a sculpture studio for people with special needs. He was active in Chicago art community participating in art shows, art fares, making presentations etc.
In 2022 Boruch has made an Aliyah and settled with his family in Kiryat Motzkin. Soon he organized Art Motzkin, local art community uniting creative people across city. Boruch continues working in sculpture at his home studio.
More of Boruch's art you can see at his website:
https://www.lsculpture.comand Instagram: