recreation, team building, problem solving

Clay for Business

Intuitive clay modeling for business people and teams

Would you like to
- give your employees an unusual kind of fun and relax activity?

- support team work, initiative, trust, improve communication among your employees?

- find new ideas for solving current business problems, get a fresh look at the state of your business, explore the possibilities of other strategies?

Try intuitive clay modeling.

I, Alexey Lelchuk, have been working with clay since 2002, I wrote a book about my method “Playing with Clay” for small children. Since 2012, I have been conducting workshops for teachers, psychologists and parents on "Playing with Clay", as well as for adults on intuitive sculpture and the disclosure of creative abilities.

I invite you to experience this comfortable, free and effective method of self-knowledge and work with yourself and in a team.

This practice combines meditation and play. It helps you let go of control, free up creativity, encourage interaction, and give you a fresh perspective on a situation.

Clay is a heavy soft and pliable material. It allows you to literally materialize ideas, feelings and images. Having seen and touched the physical embodiment of their images, you can reach a new level of feeling and understanding.

Our imagination and hands can intuitively and independently form a visual and tactile image of almost any concept. You can sculpt not only a house, a dog and a kettle, but also anxiety, sleep, war and file indexing.

Of course, for this you need to first relax, change perspective and warm up. Then the initial image and impulse will come from your imagination. In the process of sculpting this image your hands will create additional small or large forms.

Your employees will meet with a new simple and diverse collective creative task, where everyone can express themselves in any way they want. In a playful situation, people would feel easier to make contact, agree on something, or just do something together. Having allowed themselves these social interactions in a creative game atmosphere, improving their communication skills, people will use them in a further business environment.

We always start with a general tactile acquaintance with clay, with a quick sculpting of abstract compositions based on your visions and feelings, with attention to hand movements and their contact with clay.
You can then select one or more types of work:

Relax, antistress and change perspective

We learn the creative properties of clay through a series of easy exercises. We try different ways of handling clay, and then let our hands freely crush and pull the clay and see what happens. We behold the forms that reflect our mood, thoughts and feelings, connect with them and develop them to something new. We listen to music and simultaneously sculpt emerging images and rhythms. We share experiences and discoveries with each other.

Team building

We run a creative game on a certain topic. Everyone sculpts the characters and setting of their choice. We play the story together making up the plot and inventing new details. You can take a well-known literary story as a basis, or invent heroes and actions from scratch.

Solve a business problem

We take a specific request, personal or collective, and sculpt its material embodiment. Then we digress from the original request and look at the form from an artistic and pragmatic point of view. We try to see in this form the possibilities of development and change, and we implement them. And finally, we interpret the new form in terms of the original problem and get the answer.
The process takes from 2 to 8 hours with one or two breaks.

The number of participants is from 4 to 12.
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